Getting Lucky at Souk al-Ahad

Beirut’s Souk al-Ahad (Sunday market) is one of the more interesting experiences you can have while in town, especially if you like searching for treasures amongst piles of junk.

It's where we found these beauties years ago for the price of $1. Photo strips from a local wrestling and boxing club taken in June 1956, with the former holding posters of Egyptian president and hero of Arab nationalism Gamel Abdel Nasser.

They’re officially our second favourite souvenir acquired over two decades of travel, but the fact that we only managed to get the A and C pieces has meant that on every subsequent visit over the past 15 years or so we’ve sincerely expected to come across the missing B (because that’s how the universe works), including earlier today.

But no such luck again. Guess it will have to wait till next time.....


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