An Historic Day

It was an historic day here at Curmudgeon HQ yesterday. Yes, that's right, it was the first time in our entire life that we used a rice cooker. Or least the first time that we can remember, which is the same thing, because that's how memory tends to work.

But more importantly, a fashionable pink bear with heart balloons reminded us that life should be pleasant today and everyday. Because this is Asia, and that's how home appliances roll in this part of the world....

NB: For what it's worth, the rice was a D+ or perhaps a C- if we're being generous, but the wallpaper in our beachfront bungalow (a new addition from three years ago) is easily an A+ by any standard grading metrics, although someone on Facebook did correctly point out that it's (at least partially) hung upside down….


Wandering Earl in Iraq

