A Very Somali Christmas

If you've followed this page for any length of time, it should be obvious that we're not one to traffic in exaggeration or hyperbole, so when we say that our very Somali Christmas of 2010 was the absolute gold standard of all Christmases (past, present and future - including the original Bethlehem one), we sincerely mean it….

Camels? Loads of em, both on and off the plate. Other exotic animals? Check. Machine guns? Huge ones. Photo op on a graffitied tank? Yippie Ki Yay! Private tour of the world's most impressive cave paintings? Of course! $1 fish dinner in a town known exclusively for its pirates? Bon appétit! Legally required armed security guard high af after chewing qat the entire day? God bless you Che - hope you're well! A second photo op on a graffitied tank on the way home, this time while holding machine guns? How else would you end Christmas day in Somalia…..


Big-Ass Ants


On This Day