Kathmandu Food, Part I

Couldn't find an IKEA here in Kathmandu, so for our first Nepalese meal had to settle for some fried buffalo momo. Verdict? Tasty! As has been pretty much everything else we've eaten over the past week - except for that Yak Chhurpi, cannot recommend that flavourless, rock hard stuff....

h/t to Joe Muggli, who asked: "What the price range for those meals? All look fantastic."

Answer: "Good question! Should have mentioned that in the post. So the low-end (ie the 3rd momo pictured) were $0.74, while the high-end (ie the pork momo and the thupka) were an eye-watering $1.18, or 100-160 Nepali rupees. Ironically, the most expensive 'meal' pictured here are the terrible hard yak cheese bites, which were 200rs or $1.48...."


‘Everest No Problem’ - Mr Burt Sampson


Hold My Fermented Buffalo Milk....