Magical Turds

Not sure if according to local customs and traditions it's a good omen when you're greeted by some freshly laid civet dung* on your penultimate morning (your real penultimate morning, not yet another false one) whilst heading up to the rooftop for a your sunrise coffee - in fact we're pretty sure it's not, not at all - but we just assumed it was, because, well, look at that stuff.

If that's not a magical looking turd, then we don't know what is. It looks like it was delivered by a My Little Pony® or Care Bear® or at least a unicorn, if we're limited to the non-trademarked realm of beasts.

In any event our sadly inevitable departure from the village and ensuing 10-hour bus ride to Kathmandu went about as well as expected, so a belated thanks to that jungle raccoon who unknowingly blessed the journey....

*Did we really just post a photo of literal crap? Yes, yes we did, because that's kind of what this page is all about. Also, in our defense, people with way more money than we'll ever have pay up to $600/lb for coffee beans these same jungle raccoons digest and defecate, so....


Rainy Day Street Art, Part I


Last* Sunrise