Newari Cuisine & Puppies

FYI, if you ever find yourself in a foul mood at Kathmandu Airport (perhaps because an anthropomorphic toad just refused to let you check in for your flight, for instance), head across the street to one of the local hole in the wall restaurants and order a tall glass of strong Nepali moonshine accompanied by a plate or two of mixed Newari cuisine. Mmmm mmmm!

If that doesn't make you forget all about your problems, then nothing will! Although it also helps if there are a bunch of puppies playing just in front of your table, and another patron who's just finished his night shift at the airport and is enjoying a tipple before heading home insists on covering your entire bill, despite agreeing to let you pay for the second round onwards.

Sure, you might get some quizzical looks from passersby (and a puppy or two), since you're a foreign who just ordered a glass of local moonshine at midday and have your MacBook out checking for alternative ways to get to Malaysia relatively cheaply and quickly, but that's all part of the experience....


Lunch with a View


Full Moon over Patan