On This Day in 2018: Norwegian Takes the Piss?*

Spotted at Gatwick Airport earlier this afternoon. That's the Norwegian flight bound for Boston, with Babe Ruth** featured on the tail. Not sure if this was A) a coincidence, B) a well-intentioned misunderstanding, or C) some next level trolling by the folks at Norwegian, but we'll go ahead and assume the latter, since they're the same company that put out full page adverts in British papers saying "Brad is single. Los Angeles. From/one-way, incl. taxes £169" after the Bragelina breakup back in 2016.....

*FYI, if you're not familiar with British English, shame on you, it's got some wonderful expressions. Also, the phrase ‘taking the piss’ is a colloquial term meaning to mock at the expense of others, or to be joking, without the element of offence.

**FYI, if you're not a fan of American baseball, good for you, as it's stodgy and boring and a dying sport. Also, Babe Ruth was widely considered to be the best player to ever play the game, Boston traded him to New York, and then didn't win another championship for nearly 100 years, which is known as the 'Curse of the Bambino'....


Lunch at Ganesh's


On This Day in 2020: Sufi Cemetery Rave