Pre-Dawn Call to Prayer from the Alshekh Mustafa Alamin Masjid in Khartoum, Sudan

With all the intercontinental travel, tying up of loose ends and strict regimen of substance abuse over the past week, we totally forgot to comment on the most recent coup in Sudan - oops!

We had the pleasure of spending some time there last year, and even had the exceptional luck to be in Khartoum for a poorly executed coup attempt of our own, which needless to say was quite exciting and a real must for any self-respecting bucket list. While it got put down quite easily with one night of the army heavily shelling a few occupied govt buildings, the airport closure meant an unplanned extended stay in this fascinating capital.

In any event, the pre-dawn call to prayer from the Alshekh Mustafa Alamin Masjid the next morning was one of the most beautiful things we've ever heard, which is why we got up at 4am to record it. The image is just a photo taken at the same time, although there wasn't much action on the streets, given the early hour and aforementioned coup……


When a Forgotten Album from the 1970s Helps with Trip Planning


May You Live in Interesting Times