Sarita's Blue Heaven Redux

On a repeat visit to one of the local area's (many) fish restaurants, none of us opted for the famous Begnas BBQ tilapia this time. However, the star of the show still came from the lake and was unanimously the Nepali style little fried fish, which had the perfect fishy taste and was complimented with a tangy chilli chutney sauce.

Sadly it wasn't our dish, but luckily we still managed to Goldilocks it with some perfectly fine paneer tikka, and didn't end up with the plate of wet eggy tomato and side of cabbage, which is apparently what passes for 'shakshuka'* around here.

To add further insult to injury, the toast that came with it utterly failed to catch any fish when it was used as bait on a later fishing expedition....

*In the restaurant's defence, that's what our dining companion gets for ordering shakshuka at a Nepali fish restaurant....


On This Day in 2020


Running Errands in Pokhara