Tara's Nepalese Vegetarian Restaurant

Some tasty #MeatlessMonday action for you: When you like the vegetarian place you ate your first meal in Pokhara at so much that you return the next afternoon for your second meal as well - and you're not even a vegetarian....

On the right: Some kind of green bean and coconut dish, called 'simi nariwal' - with the menu helpfully informing you that 'simi' means green beans and 'nariwal' means (you guessed it) coconut. Cost: 300rs (or €2.15).

On the left: Some veg pad thai, which was a bit too spicy, a bit too heavy on the peanuts and made with the ubiquitous Nepalese instant noodles, but delicious nevertheless. Cost: 250rs (or €1.79).

Next up: Chocolate momo, which a fellow diner ordered today and informed us were excellent....


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