Ode to JOI

When your venerable old MacBook from 2014 finally decides to give up the ghost, but at least has the common courtesy to do it almost a full 20hrs before you're leaving to spend 1.5 months in a village on a remote island, so you've got plenty of time to frantically run around an ancient Egypt-themed shopping mall to try and find a cheap replacement, only Malaysians apparently don't like Chromebooks, so it takes you almost all day to procure a no name brand one in the long-forgotten, dust-gathering electronics section of an Asian department store, and are generally fine with it, but can't help but wonder why on Earth they've made the built-in camera reversible, other than to annoy you every time you open or close the screen, but then you have a work call two days later in the morning Central European Time and discover exactly why they made it that way.

Kudos to those innovative engineers at JOI (which should obviously be pronounced 'joy' regardless of what the company says) - sorry for ever having doubted your genius and/or craftsmanship....

NB: For what it's worth this photo was in no way edited except to smudge the names and billion dollar, company-saving idea* that was clearly visible in the code, and rotate it -1° to get that glorious horizon close to even....

*For anyone from our company reading this, please note that this line is unfortunately just sarcasm, there is no billion dollar company-saving idea on this screen, or anywhere else for that matter. Apologies if this post briefly got your hopes up…


On This Day in 2021


Island Worries