The World's Greatest Toilet

If someone asked you to name the world's greatest toilet, you'd probably wonder what kind of mind altering substances they'd been consuming - and perhaps then ask if you could have some of those substances, or even get the contact info of their guy. Or at least that would be our response to such a random query. Or would have been, until we recently discovered the answer to this question.

Was it a fancy $9000 Japanese porcelain robot, which in addition to returning your nether regions to a pristine state also presumably pleasures you sexually, since it's Japanese and also costs nine fucking thousand dollars? Good guess, but no.

Was it a golden throne in New York City, whereupon a former and future American president apparently did all of his most important tweeting? Another good guess, but also sadly wrong.

Was it 42? Come on, now you're just being ridiculous.

No, much like the surprise twists at the end of various Sufi mystic tales, it turns out that the world's greatest toilet is actually of the humble eastern squat variety, which for the record (spoiler alert) you can also find across southern and eastern Europe - even as far north as Venice.

And we're not ones to indulge in hyperbole, so when we say that this is the world's greatest toilet, we sincerely mean it. So, without any further ado, feel free to press play on the video below and see what makes using this literal hole in the ground surrounded by concrete an unforgettable experience....


Royal Paints


Lunch with a View Redux