Books That Will Inspire You to Visit Africa…If You're a Psychopath
We had zero clue how this photo would eventually be used when we snapped it in January 2011 in a hotel room in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, but you have to admit that it fits the subject matter perfectly. It's always such a life-affirming feeling when everything in the universe just makes sense - even for a single moment or a single photo
This article is obviously nothing more than an excuse to get some affiliate revenue from Evil Corp, but that's not the worst thing about it. See if you can guess what the worst thing is. We'll give you a hint: The title of it is "10 Books That Will Inspire You to Visit Africa," and this is the description of the very first book on the list:
"South African author J. M. Coetzee won the Nobel Prize for Literature, and this beautiful but tragic novel left me traumatized. It’s a dark and disturbing tale of disgrace. A university professor is dismissed from his job after an affair. He escapes to his daughter’s farm in the Eastern Cape and is forced to come to terms with the reality of life after an attack in which his daughter is raped and impregnated and he is brutally beaten. The book is heavy, but it does a great job of depicting the violence of post-apartheid South Africa."
We've lived in Cape Town and also read JM Coetzee's much lauded, award-winning Disgrace, but if that "inspires" you to visit Africa, then sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but there's an extremely good chance that you're some kind of psychopath, and not the socially acceptable kind of psychopaths who succeed at capitalism and get on the cover of Time magazine, we're talking about the kind who kidnap senators' daughters, throw them in a pit in your basement and make them lather themselves up with lotion so you can eventually harvest their skin in a vain attempt to deal with some unhealthy gender identity issues you've got. Although let's be honest, it's a thin line between that and the cover of Time magazine nowadays….
Since it's much easier to shit on other people's terrible content and opinions than come up with your own, we've gone ahead and written up our own inspirational book recommendations (including one about Africa that you don't need to be a psychopath to find inspirational!), which you can find here.