Failed State Graffiti

Lebanon might be a failed state, but Beirut's graffiti/mural scene has never been stronger. Here are some shots we didn't get round to posting during our visit back in late September....

UPDATE: A comment from Instagram, since it seems relevant:

  • jado_ismail112 If you guys think lebanon is a failed state then why the hell you visit? Just stay wherever you are.”

  • @jado_ismail112 I say it "might be a failed state" because it demonstrably meets much of the criteria for being a failed state. But in answer to your question, I visit every year because I've got lots of Lebanese friends, who i met whilst living there for 5 years in the early 2000s. Meanwhile you sound like one of those Lebanese who would rather keep their heads in the ground and pretend like everything is fine while your country literally burns to the ground and becomes more hopeless by the day. So if you want to criticize anyone, perhaps you should go find yourself a nice big mirror and start there habibi....


F*ck Fascist Scumbags (and Their Cotton Likeness)


Comedy Wildlife Photography Competition