F*ck Fascist Scumbags (and Their Cotton Likeness)

We spotted these towels earlier this year in the 'Tres Fronteras' border town of Tabatinga, Brasil.

In addition to being incredibly fun to say, Tabatinga is also a lawless outpost in the middle of the Amazon and the entry point for most of the cocaine that, quite literally, flows into Brasil*, along as ground zero for various illegal mining, fishing and logging rackets. If you remember reading about that Guardian journalist getting murdered in the Amazon back in June, this was where it happened.

However, it's no wonder that outgoing El Presidente is popular there, since he not openly encouraged all of the illegal activities mentioned above, but actually removed most of the law enforcement agencies from the area in order to allow them flourish....

*Peruvian cocaine it should be noted, not Colombian, which can be procured for a very wallet-friendly $2/g if you know the right people, or so we heard....


Country #102: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia....


Failed State Graffiti