Nepalese Falafel

We've never met a free sample worth the social awkwardness of politely declining, especially when it comes to consumables, and the streak continued the other day when presented with this deep-fried, off-menu goodness made by the proprietor's mother - and now we're hooked!

Let us introduce you to batuk, which we immediately dubbed the 'Nepali falafel', for obvious reasons, and suggested that they be added to the menu, also for obvious reasons.

However, made from black lentils, they should actually be called 'Magar falafel', as they're a specialty of that specific ethnic group, and mostly made for weddings and other festive occasions.

Based on this sample tasting of one, solitary batuk, we can pronounce without any reservations that they're an exquisite culinary delight, and somehow even tastier than their Middle Eastern brethren. Mmmm mmmm!

Of course it should also be noted that by that point in the day we already had a belly full of various grilled and fried meats, along with a generous amount of moonshine. But still....

NB: Photos of the now twice teased grilled meat platter from this same place are still forthcoming....

More info and a recipe courtesy of the Kathmandu Post here


…and all I got was this lousy t-shirt


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