Breaking the News to Pinko

This was Pinko's reaction when we finally managed to get round to gently informing him what his name means in the United States - ie an old-timey pejorative for Communist sympathisers - which we'd been putting off for weeks, as we tend to do with all unpleasant yet necessary actions required of us.

All things considered - like the fact that he's a cat, English is only his fourth language and he'd clearly been bingeing on catnip all afternoon - he handled it quite well. We feel you little buddy. Try growing up in rural America in the '80s and '90s with the name Cosmo Curmudgeon. Kids can be so mean....

Ironically, and this part is no joke, these photos were taken on 13 February, which the new Prime Minister and former Maoist rebel had just unilaterally declared the previous day would now be a public holiday in Nepal, marking the beginning of Maost's 'People's War' back in 1996.

The move was unsurprisingly quite controversial for a whole host of reasons, and since we're quite out of our depth on the subject, you can read more about it here (or wherever you get your local Nepali news)…


On This Day in 2022


Visa Extension