On This Day in 2022

"It's subject to change, since we're planning to hang around for at least another month,* but we finally finished our '22 Reasons Never to Leave Riohacha in 2022' homage.

Reason #5: Sunrise Swimming, which is pictured [above], around 6.15am yesterday morning to be exact. If that beach and its 27°C Caribbean sea was across the street from your €6.67/night apartment, you'd probably hang around for a while too.

You can find the other 21 reasons** to never leave Riohacha here: www.travellingcurmudgeon.com/travel-news/22-reasons-to-never-leave-riohacha-in-2022"

*We actually ended up hanging around for another two months, but that was due in part to being laid up after getting bit by a stray dog.

**Reason #16 is Stray Dogs, which didn't age very well, after one of them decided to bite us a few days after this was originally posted....


Guilty Pleasure Alert: Belgian Burgers


Breaking the News to Pinko