Guilty Pleasure Alert: Belgian Burgers

We'd been meaning to treat ourselves to one of these Belgian burgers for literally months now, and finally did so a few days ago.

Luckily, it was one of the rare exceptions where both the high Google Maps rating (the place is called Frituur N°1 if you're curious) seemed well deserved and our expectations were thoroughly met. Wow, tasty stuff indeed (sorry vegans!).

Such culinary excellence doesn't come cheap though, and if the beer is included in the cost, you're looking at literally our most expensive meal in Nepal - a whopping 1200 rupees, or around $9.

Whereas, without the pricey local craft beer, it'd still rank as our third most expensive meal in the country, at around $5 for the burger, fries and side of mayonnaise...


Little Bananas


On This Day in 2022