Hastily Made Cleveland Tourism Video (2nd Attempt)

If the clip we posted last week isn't the best tourism promo ever made, then surely this one must be. It's truly the Lebron James of tourism promos. We'll let the guy who made it explain again:

"So the Cleveland Board of Tourism was not happy with the first video that I turned in. In fact, they said that upon viewing it, three of the board members moved away. They insisted that I turn in a proper Cleveland tourism video, otherwise they will pursue litigation.

So I was really planning on buckling down and giving it my all this time, but there was a "Rock of Love" marathon on VH1 last night that I didn't want to miss, so I cranked this video out in even less time than the first one. Roughly 35 minutes total.

Despite this, I'm rather pleased with how it turned out, and I think they will be too."

You can find more info on his terrible website at http://mikepolkjr.com/


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