Hello Berlin, My Old Friend

Eat Lovers

We've been hearing a lot about certain people eating certain domesticated animals in certain Rust Belt towns recently. Yet Berlin's rampant cannibal problem has gone virtually unreported. Hmmmm, interesting.....


When you're trying to abstain from alcohol, but are in Berlin and still want to get your hipster on….

Lust Angst Schmerz Ekstase

The exhibition 'Lust Angst Schmerz Ekstase' ('Lust Fear Pain Ecstasy') by German artist Armin Boehm, currently showing at the König Galerie....


Tinkle, tinkle, snip, snip

The art of design. Simple, clear and very persuasive messaging. Successful in achieving its aims? Almost certainly not, as this is in the heart of Kreuzberg. But still have to applaud the effort....

Costanza & Cosmo

The real world is full of Seinfeld references, especially if you've more or less memorised every episode. They're just usually not this overt.....

Window shopping

Hipster Vermeer

The Girl with the Pearl Earring after one week in Berlin....

Only in Berlin

Prepare to be underwhelmed

If you've never been to Berlin, you're probably not familiar with currywurst. But you're honestly not missing much, as it's a fairly underwhelming dish - literally just a hot dog with curry ketchup.

It's fine, especially after a beer or nine, but not something to tell your grandkids* about or put on the culinary bucket list. Although the people in this photo obviously felt differently....

*Spoiler alert if you somehow managed to find this post in the year 2059 and these people look vaguely like Nana and Papa.

Auf Wiedersehen Berlin

A journey of 1000 miles* begins with a single 4am train from Neukölln. At least sometimes....

*Also a journey of 1940 kilometres, or a bit over 1200 miles, but that's not how the proverb goes....


Chicken-Shaped Country