Jeddah Photo Dump Part I

Jeddah photo dump from yesterday, because otherwise these will almost certainly just start collecting digital dust like the 1000s of other photos taken over the past weeks, months and years.

Bit of background: They're in chronological order, because that's way easier than trying to construct some narrative, and this is Part I from what ended up being 25km of walking from 'central' Jeddah to Al-Balad (ie the old town) towards the south of the city, along a mix of main streets and smaller pedestrian ones.

FYI, if you've never walked 25km in 33°C heat with 70% humidity fully clothed in a city that is not only constructed exclusively for cars but seemingly also with an active disdain for pedestrians*, you're really missing out on the finer things in life and perhaps even a borderline religious experience….

*Although in the city planners' defence (if such people actually exist), at any given time in this city of 5m inhabitants, the number of actual pedestrians appears to be in the mid, to even low, single digits….


Jeddah Photo Dump, Part II


F*ck Howard Shultz