Jeddah Photo Dump, Part II

Jeddah photo dump Part II from two days ago, because otherwise these would also just start collecting digital dust like the 1000s of other photos taken over the past weeks, months and years.

Like Part I, they're in chronological order*, because that's still way easier than trying to construct some narrative, and were taken on what ended up being 25km of walking from 'central' Jeddah to Al-Balad (ie the Unesco heritage old town that's currently undergoing massive restorations) towards the south of the city.

*If you were waiting with bated breath to see more photos from Saudi IKEA, no need to fret, we've got loads and they'll be getting their own post or perhaps even an article shortly (or not, you never really know with this page)....


Traditional Friday Lunch: Laham Mandi


Jeddah Photo Dump Part I