Moon Room

When you're staying in the 'Moon' room and coincidentally one of the books you brought to read is all about fate and coincidences and different possible worlds, in which the moon (or rather the two moons) plays a major role....

“ ‘Insane’ probably means to have an innate mental problem, something that calls for professional treatment, while ‘lunatic’ means to have your sanity temporarily seized by the luna, which is ‘moon’ in Latin. In nineteenth-century England, if you were a certified lunatic and you committed a crime, the severity of the crime would be reduced a notch.

The idea was that the crime was not so much the responsibility of the person himself as that he was led astray by the moonlight. Believe it or not, laws like that actually existed. In other words, the fact that the moon can drive people crazy was actually recognized in law.”

- 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘶𝘬𝘪 𝘔𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘮𝘪, 1𝘘84


On This Day in 2022: Meaningless Milestones


Piping Hot Bowl of Bakso