On This Day

People sometimes wonder why this page is called Travelling Curmudgeon, when the posts are generally quite positive and not at all curmudgeonly. Then the Memories tab provides some reminders....

On This Day in 2009
-10° and snow in Ljubljana? You gotta be fucking kidding me! At least there's some vodka in the freezer for dinner

On This Day in 2010
26 hours + 5 airports + 5 countries + 8 mini bottles of scotch + 3 beers + 2 hangovers + the Ramones = good times!

(Also) On This Day in 2011
Yesterday morning I was crammed into the back of a minivan driving through the Ugandan jungle to Lake Victoria - now I'm looking out my window at 40cm of snow and an immeasurable amount of gloom. I would gladly cry myself to sleep right now, but have way too much work to do. It's great to be home!

On This Day in 2011
Maybe I'm just being cynical, or perhaps in Amharic the message 'Age Demands Action!' is less ambiguous, but I can't help but think that this could do with some further clarification.

(Also) On This Day in 2011
Walked like 4km uphill in the sun to see this Museum of Modern Art. Here's the conversation I had with the woman next door at the Goethe Institute after finding the door locked:

Me: When does the museum open?
Her: It's always open.
Me: But the door is locked.
Her: No, it should be open - the museum is only closed on Mondays.
Me: Uh, it is Monday.
Her: Oh...

(Also) On This Day in 2011
All things being equal, life is always better when you're tan...

(Also) On This Day in 2011
Sent out the last of my postcards this afternoon. If you don't get one, either I don't like you as much as you thought, I don't have your address or the Ethiopian postal system is just as efficient as everything else in this country....


Angels of Dakar


Why Are Finns So Happy?