Why Are Finns So Happy?

For the 5th year in a row, Finns have ‘officially’ been declared the happiest people in the world. Or at least that was the findings of the the most recent World Happiness Report, which seems compile its ranking primarily from self-reported data. What makes the people of Finland so content with their lives?

Given the dire, hopeless times we so clearly live in, one would be forgiven for assuming they've just got nihilism in their blood, but apparently that's not the case, at least according to the report mentioned above. Of course with our busy schedule of doing as little as possible in totally random places (like, for instance, a village near Begnas Lake in Nepal), we didn't actually have any time to even give a cursory glance at the findings. But luckily for us (and you), the folks at CNBC got a Finnish psychologist to sum things up nicely!

While the article inexplicably doesn't mention reindeer, massive social support or the world's best education system, the bullet point tips (clearly written for an American audience, who only have time for bullet points, because they've got a soul-crushing job, or jobs, to get back to) don't seem half bad, especially for a website that's primarily devoted to promoting the myths of consumer capitalism.

And if you've ever been to any of the Nordic/Scandinavian countries, the happiness is palpable - at least in the the summertime....

1. We don't compare ourselves to our neighbours

Happiness tip: Focus more on what makes you happy and less on looking successful. The first step to true happiness is to set your own standards, instead of comparing yourself to others.

2. We don't overlook the benefits of nature

Happiness tip: Spending time in nature increases our vitality, well-being and a gives us a sense of personal growth. Find ways to add some greenery to your life, even if it’s just buying a few plants for your home.

3. We don't break the community circle of trust

Happiness tip: Think about how you can show up for your community. How can you create more trust? How can you support policies that build upon that trust? Small acts like opening doors for strangers or giving up a seat on the train makes a difference, too.

See, it's just that easy! Don't you feel happier already?


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