On This Day
I honestly didn't wanna keep doing these On This Day posts so often, but today's was too good to pass up, sorry....
On This Day in 2009: Just wanted to get a pastry this afternoon in Nouakchott, but instead got tear gassed and chased by riot police during an Allah Akhbar/Death to Israel protest.
On This Day in 2010: FYI, Congo is a super expensive shithole. But on the bright side I'm only 20km from a volcano that erupted yesterday and 50km from the frontline with the Interahamwe (aka the militia responsible for the Rwandan genocide)!
(Also) On This Day in 2010: OK, so one grilled fish dinner (and two pints of local beer) later, and I realise I may have been a little harsh on the place. It's definitely no Rwanda, but I suppose that this little lakeside sliver of the Congo isn't that bad - at least not from the inside of the heavily-guarded compound that I'm in.
On This Day in 2011: Harari coffee makes good Italian espresso taste like shitty Nescafe™ - needless to say I'll be bringing some home.... [NB: Hindsight this might have been slight hyperbole]
On This Day in 2014: Went to pick up my rental car this morning and got a free upgrade to a brand new Mazda 6 - promptly put 700km on it to show my appreciation......
On This Day in 2020: We're not going to lie, Cairo is an unfathomably chaotic shithole of a filthy 3rd world city with 20 million inhabitants, most of whom seem to be clinically insane, scurrying around like it's the end of times. But for some reason we've loved every second of being here, and it's been the perfect place to start 2020. Does the fact that we've been using Egyptian vodka in lieu of water to make our morning instant coffee(s) take anything away from this positive assessment? Of course not. Why would it?