Kingdon Tower Litter Box

Sometimes you can't help but wonder what the hell you're doing with your life. Really, what's the point of it all? Maybe those nihilists from Big Lebowski were on to something. Maybe it's all just meaningless. And then a magical moment like this happens, and the universe makes perfect sense again. Pure serendipity. Kismet.

We took approximately 50 shots of this futuristic glass and steel phallus* from virtually every angle, but none of them have the rarified gravitas and je ne sais quoi as this one - thanks to this incredibly well-fed feline, who not only clearly dgaf, but stared us right in the eyes as he did his lengthy business. What a legend.

We know exactly what you're thinking. And yes, we most definitely have video, and it's spectacular....

*A couple things about the Kingdom Tower: 1) All joking aside, as far as supertall skyscrapers go, it's actually pretty cool and looks even better at night, 2) If it had been a clearer day today, we'd have gone up to the Sky Bridge on the 99th floor for sunset, and 3) The adult admission price for the aforementioned Sky Bridge is…[wait for it]…69 riyals. Can't be sure if that's a coincidence, an immature joke from someone in the marketing department that went unnoticed or just another glitch in the Matrix, but you really can't make this stuff up....


Shopping Mall Parking Security Guy


First Impressions of Riyadh