Shopping Mall Parking Security Guy

The following is a very close to verbatim exchange we had with a shopping mall parking lot security guy yesterday - FYI, the following contains some adult content:

Shopping Mall Parking Security Guy: Hello, hello! Hello, my friend! My friend! [giving chase as we were leaving the parking lot]

Travelling Curmudgeon: Uh, yeah?

SMPSG: Where are you from?

TC: United States. America.

SMPSG: You are from Lubnan? You are Lubnani, yes?

TC: Uh, well, I used to live in Lubnan. A long time ago.

SMPSG: How old you are?

TC: I can never remember.

SMPSG: I am a gay.

TC: Uhhh, all right.

SMPSG: I am a gay. I will have sex with you.

TC: Um, well, good luck with that here in Saudi Arabia, man.

SMPSG: No, not here.

TC: Good luck, man.

While we generally try to be empathetic to everyone we meet and help out where we can, there are some lines we'd prefer not to cross. And, spoiler alert, sex with a shopping mall parking lot security guy in Riyadh is definitely one of those lines.

Sorry, chap. But our wishes of good luck in your future endeavours were sincere and hope your gung-ho attitude pays off....


Saudi v Argentina: Upset of the Century!


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