Selamat Hari Raya!

Selamat Hari Raya! Eid Mubarak! Blessed Eid! If you ever get a chance to celebrate the festivities that take place at the end of the holy month of Ramadan, we highly recommend doing it in a Malaysian village - preferably one adjacent to one of the most beautiful mergings of land and sea that Allah created on this giant rock we call Earth* - as the whole place essentially turns into one big food crawl, with each family preparing special dishes and everyone in the village getting dressed up and making their way from house to house, snacking and wishing people well along the way.

NB: On the left is rendang daging (coconut beef aka one of our all-time favourite Malaysian dishes) and on the right is pelanduk curry (a very localised specialty here on the island, which was one of the tastiest things we can remember trying recently, but is better we don't say what it is in English, because they are adorable) along with two special types of rice, and a refreshing creamy fruit drink....

*We plagiarised this from Lord Byron, who originally said it about Kotor Bay in Montenegro. And he wasn't wrong. That coastline is in the Top 1a Tier of most beautiful places we've ever had the pleasure of visiting...


World Book Day 2023


On This Day in 2021