Sherpa Kitchen

Next time you're in Pokhara, we can't recommend the Sherpa Kitchen highly enough. It's a tiny corner shop in the perfect location for people watching on the lakeside promenade run by a super friendly Tibetan family.

We liked it so much, we ate basically all of our meals there after the first taste. The food is delicious, the portions are huge (note that the soup actually heaps up out of the bowl)* and for some reason the prices are about the lowest you'll find anywhere in the (tourist part of the) city.

Everything is made from scratch in the little stall (which gives you ample time for people watching while waiting). Names of dishes in the photo caption....

*If you don't finish something, they are very concerned that you didn't like it - even if you've eaten there 10 times already and had the same dish twice - and still seem sceptical after you assure them that the issue is just that 1kg of noodles is too much for breakfast that day....


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