Vacuna contra la Fiebre Amarilla

It's been 10 days since we got our Vacuna contra la Fiebre Amarilla, which means we're now officially protected against at least some of those murderous mozzies here in Colombia. And since it'll be a cold day in Hell before we pass up a chance to rip off those manipulative, genius bastards behind Mastercard's 'Priceless' campaign, here you go:

An Uber 20km to the airport: $4.50

Unexpected cash tip that makes the Uber driver's day: $1.00

Getting a Yellow Fever vaccine after a 5-minute wait: $0.00

Cost if you'd got the exact same vaccine in the US: $250

Getting to remind people yet again that vaccine passports have already existed for decades with zero concern, controversy or conspiracy theories: Priceless....

UPDATE: If you mention the word vaccine - even solely in regard to Yellow Fever - FB's dumb fucking primitive algorithms still slap a Covid disclaimer on it, which there's no way to challenge or contest. A $1tn company with 50,000 employees that can't manage even the simplest of things. It's not like anyone needed more proof that contemporary capitalism is an absurd joke, but still....


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