Welcome to Riohacha

So, when we spent the last week telling people that we'd randomly booked a flight to "some remote, dodgy, lawless shithole on the Caribbean coast near the Venezuelan border" we thought we were just exaggerating as usual, but turns out we actually underplayed the remoteness, dodginess, lawlessness and shitholeness of Riohacha. Plus there's no water and only spotty internet. Oops!

But luckily the alcohol is cheap, the empanadas and arepas are cheap and muy delicioso, everyone is super friendly and calls you 'amigo' and it's 33° during the day and 24° at night, so it all evens out in the end, or something like that. At least we're not locked down and/or snowed in in Europe.....

Check out our more fully formed (yet still totally wrong) first impressions of Riohacha here.


We ❤️ Riohacha


Kudos to Avianca