Long Live the King (or Whatever)

Here's yet another masterpiece from the chap who runs Simpsons pictures that I gone and done. And we know what you're thinking, but no, this isn't a photo from today's big hooha, it's actually a drawing - albeit a photorealistic one that's impossible to distinguish from the real thing. Or maybe AI did it. Who really knows these days.

And here's a story called ‘The British Guy’ from this site.

The new monarch isn't the titular British guy, but he does have a cameo - although it took place some 20 years ago (actually exactly 20 years ago this month), so he was still just the lowly Prince of Wales* at the time.

*Since the Welsh are some of the most sensitive and defensive people** in the world, it should be pointed out that the use of ‘lowly’ there was meant to be sarcastic. Kind of.

**Also, some free advice to the good people of Wales, perhaps it's finally time to get rid of that colonial-era yoke of a name that the English slapped on your corner of the island way back yonder, and just go by Cymru. It might be unpronounceable for most of us, but at least it looks cool, and more importantly is also not a homonym for a bunch of big fish that aren't really even fish....


On This Day


“Super Fucking Chill”