On This Day

Some more nostalgic flashbacks courtesy of the Memories tab. These are all verbatim posts from May 7ths past:

On This Day in 2009:
“finally lucked into a job travel writing - apparently good karma always trumps initiative and hard work....”

On This Day in 2011:
“Seven puppies living in a tree in a park in Sarajevo = Ridiculously cute (and that's coming from me)....”

On This Day in 2016:
“It's not even 830pm, and I've already gone to the emergency room, drank 1/2 a bottle of vodka, ate a brains sandwich, had 2 Guinness, got rained on twice and seen one protest through the streets, more or less in that order. Think it may be a long night.... [Update: It was a long night]”

On This Day in 2022:
“Thanks to our flight getting delayed, we had plenty of time to discover quite a few interesting things about Santa Marta's Simón Bolívar Airport earlier today. And thanks to the €1 beers from the airport shop, we had plenty of opportunities to enjoy this most memorable of views before finally departing for Medellín.....”


Terrible Nepal News


Long Live the King (or Whatever)