Malaysia Yuri Barron Malaysia Yuri Barron

Lockdown Redux

The Malaysian government has officially locked things down again, issuing a bunch of vague and contradictory restrictions that no one seems to really understand.

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Malaysia Yuri Barron Malaysia Yuri Barron

Cute Vomiting Egg Yolk

Last night we spotted what may very well be the perfect toy for 2020. Perhaps even more surprising is that a Google search for "cute vomiting" returned 146,000 results.

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Malaysia Yuri Barron Malaysia Yuri Barron

Captain America

The best thing about this car is the fact that it's parked directly outside the largest Freemason Lodge in Malaysia. Surely that can't be a coincidence, right?

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Malaysia Yuri Barron Malaysia Yuri Barron

No. 1 Bleach in the World

Apropos of absolutely nothing, we're going to repost the photo of this truck we saw in an industrial park in Kuala Lumpur back in June...... #letthemdrinkbleach #irony

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Malaysia Yuri Barron Malaysia Yuri Barron

Happy Malaysia Day!

Malaysia seems to have a different public holiday every week, which is all right by us. We might be homeless, unemployed Covid refugees with one day blending imperceptibly into the next, but we still appreciate a good excuse to put our feet up and take it easy.

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